Instructors Save Time

Building quality learning has never been easier.

Turn your existing materials into interactive learning experiences by leveraging a suite of 20+ engagement tools - all from a single tab.

The Tools At Your Fingertips


  • Embed slides & docs from GDrive or MS Office
  • Record & embed a screencast
  • Embed editable PDFs
  • Add audio narration
  • Upload original video
  • Embed video from YouTube
  • Add text & images
  • and more...


  • Add questions in videos
  • Create discussion prompts
  • Annotate or complete PDFs
  • Audio response questions
  • Video response questions
  • Polls
  • Matching
  • Sorting
  • Collaborate on Google docs
  • Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, & Short Answer questions
  • Embed SCORM files
  • and more...

Track & Coach

  • Visual progress monitoring
  • Review all work from a learner in a single screen
  • Provide feedback
  • Analyze responses by assessment item
  • Whole group messaging
  • Direct messaging
  • Assign points
  • Attach rubrics
  • Use subgroups for differentiation
  • Advanced tools for enterprise partners
  • and more...

Block by Block — Simple Course Building

Robust tools, Simple process. You add the content block by block until you’ve created your masterpiece.

That means within minutes, you can embed a live google slides presentation, upload a video with questions at specific checkpoints, add a PDF activity, follow that with a variety of matching, sorting, short answer, multiple choice questions, and sum it all up with a place for learners to submit a culminating evidence of their learning.

Canopy users report creating higher quality learning experiences AND doing so in less time than previous platforms they have used. Canopy’s consolidation of features helps ambitious leaders get better results in less time.
Video showing the expand collapse, one-tab design of the lms

Monitoring Learner Progress

Monitor learner progress effortlessly. The intuitive progress monitoring bars provide a clear visual overview of each learner's journey, while detailed downloadable reports give you deeper insights into performance and engagement. These tools make it simple to identify areas where learners may need additional support or guidance.

Designing Quality Learning Is Often a Team Effort

With Exchange Collections, you can share individual lessons and units or even complete courses with your team. Then make any adjustments necessary and publish! 
Organize your materials in collections to reuse in new courses. You an even share with other instructors to collaborate on course building.

Is Canopy Right for You?

Professional Development

Professional Development leaders use Canopy in 3 primary ways:

  • To create self-paced PD opportunities with certificates attached
  • As pre-work for a 'flipped PD' model so that teachers can spend in-person time focused on applying the content to their own context
  • To create private communities where facilitators can share and customize PD sessions

Most importantly, Canopy's one-tab organization and variety of multimedia features make it easier to create engaging PD experiences that lead to deeper understanding.

Over 90% of educators who experience PD in Canopy say they prefer it to other platforms they have used

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions


Canopy combines an LMS with a suite of multimedia engagement features making it easier for teachers to:

  • Design engaging learning experiences
  • Track student progress
  • Grade, message, and provide feedback
  • Share lessons and units with colleagues

Because Canopy organizes all resources and assignments for an entire course into a single tab, teachers spend less time helping students navigate technology.

Over 90% of teachers describe Canopy as 'much more intuitive' than other platforms they have used

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions

Networks of Schools

Canopy partners with districts, charter networks, departments of education, and other education organizations to:

  • Create custom admin dashboards that allow leaders to track metrics by student, classroom, school, or region
  • Set up private communities for instructional leaders to disseminate curriculum across the entire network
  • Provide ongoing training and support

Of course, adopting Canopy also saves time and stress for students, teachers, and families as well as administrators.

Canopy works in close collaboration to develop custom solutions for network partners

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions

Curriculum Providers

Curriculum providers use Canopy like a 'Shopify for digital curriculum'. Before Shopify, brick and mortar stores wanted to sell online, but it was difficult to create their own ecommerce platform. Shopify solved this problem.

Canopy does the same thing for curriculum companies that have mostly focused on PDFs or video content. With Canopy, these organizations can transform their existing resources into a fully realized curriculum - complete with multiple tools for student engagement, built in progress tracking, Google Classroom integrations, etc - and then sell it to schools and districts. (Individual creators use Canopy more as an Etsy)

Join our growing cohort of curriculum organizations transitioning to Canopy:

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions

Education Consultants

Education consultants use Canopy to strengthen their relationships with clients in 3 primary ways:

  • To offer self-paced PD trainings with asynchronous feedback and a custom certificate
  • As pre-work for in-person sessions so participants are primed for the sessions and the consultants arrive with a more nuanced understanding of the local context
  • To add a local leader as a co-teacher on a training module so that there is transparency with progress and other analytics

Most importantly, Canopy's one-tab organization system and variety of multimedia features make it easier to create engaging trainings that lead to deeper understanding.

67% of educators say Canopy is 'Much Better' for trainings compared to other platforms they have used (25% say 'Better')

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions


Non-profit organizations use Canopy in 3 primary ways:

  • To strengthen and organize internal training for new and existing staff
  • To organize information and trainings for external partners
  • To act as a curriculum publisher and sell training materials to partners

Canopy offers non-profits an ideal way to organize their knowledge and amplify their expertise.

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions

Homeschool Families

Homeschool families use Canopy in 3 primary ways:

  • To stay organized by keeping all of their learning materials in a single tab
  • To create private communities to share/sell projects, activities, and entire curriculums with other families in their network
  • To partner as co-teachers on a shared course so that their children can engage in discussions with each other

It turns out that the features designed to help teachers stay organized, collaborate with each other, and share quality digital curriculum with a wider audience are also ideal to support homeschool families as well.

Owl explaining that Canopy is better than old tech solutions